Summary: | The agricultural sector is a key area of community life in Indonesia, especially those living in rural areas. Until now, people in Indonesia still lives depend on agriculture. Similarly, any profession or occupation as peasant still dominate public life in Indonesia. Even though the development of science and technology penetrated every aspect of life, including the influence patterns or habits of life of a society, the agricultural sector still shows its movement as the basic of life of farmers in general. In the normal development of the agricultural sector today, certainly not out of the performance of non-governmental organizations, the village government and local governments, and communities (peasants) itself as the target of development activities. On the one hand, the actors who play a role in agricultural development activities in control of the main, but on the other hand an important role of NGOs seen enough to handle development activities in the agricultural sector. Here, the performance of NGOs seen as essential because the institution specifically maps the basic needs of peasants, impose limits agricultural issues, and prepare the development plans in the agricultural sector in the next time. The peasant development activities refers to the role and performance of NGOs to revive and enhance the understanding of the farmers in the village about the importance of managing land use certain agricultural system that could empower their lives, habits while building a sustainable farming. In studies that have been conducted by the author, NGOs are researched and analyzed the performance in the field in order to develop the agricultural sector is Sekretariat Pelayanan Tani dan Nelayan � Hari Pangan Sedunia (SPTN � HPS) or Secretariat in Service of The World Food Day Farmers� and Fishermen Movement of Indonesia � (WFDFFM). SPTN - HPS conducting agricultural development and assistance to the peasants in the countryside with the direction toward self-reliance based on the pattern of peasants through sustainable production, sustainable consumption patterns, and the patterns of distribution of sustainable, by developing organic farming systems are very easily accessible to peasants. In this case, the inclusion of the role or participation of peasants is needed as a response to society in a positive start receiving patterns or practices of organic farming as a form of resistance to conventional or non-organic farming as opposed to sustainable life styles. Therefore, the pioneering pilot in peasants groups (dimplot) as a media development of the principles of organic farming and assisting the peasants, SPTN - HPS trying to generate the interest and the love of the general public towards a sustainable lifestyle through organic farming systems.
In the field observation by taking location in Desa Banjararum, Kecamatan Kalibawang, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta, found that the implementation of the development of organic farming by SPTN - HPS through the pilot project or dimplot not succeeded in creating a positive response from the peasants as a whole to get used to farmed organic and conventional farming leave or nonorganic. The results showed that only the peasants involved in the pilot project or dimplot are giving a positive response through their active involvement in the activities of the development of organic farming.