Summary: | This study focuses on investigating the land utilization by farmers in the hillymountain
at Kulonprogo, in terms of spatial-ecological dimensions, with the aim of:
(1) assessing the spatial distribution of agricultural land utilization typology based on
the aspects of patterns, processes, structures and spatial trends, (2 ) examining the
factors that influence land degradation and, (3) finding out a multidimensional
assessment model of sustainability status in the utilization of agricultural land.
The main research method used was a survey with landforms and domestic farms as
the units of analysis units. Research variables consisted of land geo-biophysical,
socio-economic and socio-cultural aspects. Samples were obtained at proportional
random to each unit of landforms. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were
employed in this study. In addition to the descriptive nature the model was also
analyzed by RApALU (Rapid Appraisal for Agricultural Land Utilization) statisticsbased
MDS (multi-dimensional scaling).
The findings show that (1) spatial patterns of mixed utilization of land farms
were among major parts of the research sites