Summary: | High economic growth is the target of economic development in each area.
Economic development should be prioritized in sectors that can be a major driver
of the economy so that the economy can grow faster. According to sources,
economic growth can be seen from the aggregate demand side, namely
consumption, investment, government spending, exports and imports, and the
aggregate supply side namely labor growth, capital growth and the growth of TFP
(Total Factor Productivity). In the long run, economic development will bring a
fundamental change in the economic structure. Kuznets define that economic
growth is a continuous rise in the product/Output per capita or per worker and is
usually accompanied by structural changes (Jhinghan, 2003). Changes in the
economic structure of the primary sector to the industrial sector is not only a result
of the economic development, but also for sustainable development in the long
This study uses South Kalimantan�s Input-Output Tables of 2000.2005
and 2010. The results showed that although the structure of the value-added of the
mining sector remains the main economic pillar, but this sector has low linkages
with other sectors. Based on the forward linkage index, backward linkages indexe
and Output multiplier, prime mover and driving economic growth sector are
manufacturing sector i.e chemical industry, food, beverages and tobacco industry,
rubber and plastics industry, paper, printing and publishing industry and industry
of metal, machinery, transport equipment and other manufacturing industries.
Based Multiplier Product Matrix, manufacturing industry suggest a dominant role
(or leading role) in the economy so that it can be said that the province of South
Kalimantan are heading toward a change in the economic structure.
Decomposition of sources of growth based on the Chenery�s model (1960)
showed that the main source of economic growth in South Kalimantan is exports
by 67 percent in the period 2000-2005 and 73.72 percent in the period 2005-2010,
especially the export of coal. Decomposition of productivity growth made by
Namura and Kuroda�s model (2004) and suggests that TFP growth and capital
have a strong linear relationship and significant Output growth, while labor
productivity have no significant correlation with Output growth. Finally, the
wealth of the abundant natural resources, industry-oriented economic growth and
sustainable development in South Kalimantan Province is agriculture-based
industries and mining-based industries with the main strategy is to import
substitution and investment in capital and technology.