Yhteenveto: | Along with complex conditions in the Region of Yogyakarta Palace
Pekapalan predominantly residential street vendors, homeless people, rows of
stalls covering Pekapalan Ward, it is not proper condition is on the front face of the
palace. This study aimed to describe the figure Pekapalan found Pekapalan shift
related functions as an integral part of the Palace Square north Ngayogyokarto
Sultanate that has significant value once the image of Yogyakarta, which need to
be preserved in accordance with Law No. 11 Heritage in 2010.
This is phenomenology a research qualitative analysis methods. Because of
the scarcity and limitations of past data related to the object of research data
collection techniques applied purposive sample inductive systems, with emphasis
on the acquisition of data from interviews stakeholders and manuscripts, aritkel,
This study found three specific characters Pekapalan the three periods or
time-related aspects of the palace as a function Sultanate, public functions, and the
functions of culture, in the 1980s and then packed into packages. The results of
this study are expected to provide an understanding of the meaning associated
Pekapalan preservation of cultural heritage as a form, manner, or form various
inherent of any age or generation representing it.