Summary: | Turmeric (Curcuma domestica Valet) is one of the plant used as a growth
promotor and immunomodulator on poultry. Turmeric contains curcumin, an
active substance which is able to increase gastrointestinal activity, poultry
immunity, and carcass quality of poultry. This experiment was helt to study the
effect of turmeric as phytibiotic on performance, blood profile, fat and cholesterol
meat of quail. One hundred and twenty eight quails were grouped into 4
treatments with 4 replications based on completely randomized design. Diet used
contain 24% crude protein and 2900 kcal/kg metabolizable energy. The
treatments were R0 (basal feed + 0.00% turmeric meal), R1 (basal feed + 0.10%
turmeric meal), R2 (basal feed + 0.50% turmeric meal) and R3 (basal feed +
1.00% turmeric meal). Parameters measured were quail performance (include
weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio), blood profile (include
erithrocyte, leucocyte and its diferential count, neutrophil : lymphocyte ratio, Hb,
hematocrite and total plasma proteins), fat and cholesterol level of quail meat.
Data obtained during 42 days experiment was analyzed using analysis of
variance based on completely randomized design and continued using least
significant difference test. Feed consumption, weight gain and feed conversion
ratio of quails in turmeric-fed group did not differ significant (P>0.05) with control
group. Feeding turmeric gave a significant effect on leucocyte, neutrophil, and
lymphocyte count of quails. At 42 days of age, addition 1.00% of turmeric meal in
quail feed, significantly (P<0.05) decreased neutrophil count, indicate
antibacterial activity of curcumin contained in turmeric. Fat and cholesterol of
quail meat between turmeric-fed group and control group were not differ
significant (P>0.05). The result showed that applied turmeric meal up to 1.00% in
quail feed did not give any negative effect on quail performance, did not decrease
fat and cholesterol level of quail meat, but showed antibacterial activity by
decrease neutrophil percentage of quail blood.