Summary: | Initially, Indonesian museums were run as object-oriented museums.
Recently there has been a paradigm change that encourages museums to move to
public-oriented museums. Generally, museums are founded with the main aim to
preserve cultural heritage which includes protection, development, and utilization.
Museums have also other functions as preservation institution and source of
information. As preservation institution, museum activities include aspects of
managing storage system, maintenance, and security. Meanwhile, as source of
information, museums carry out research and presentation of information.
Collection is the core of museum. Here museum collection is defined as
natural or cultural object which are stored and used as source of information to be
presented in the museum. One of general problems faced by museum is that not
all of the collection having good supporting data. In addition, not all museum
collections are able to be presented properly to the public. Therefore, a museum
should have a clearly planned collection management which includes physical
maintenance, administrative recording, and managing collection flow. Beside,
research should be conducted to find information behind the collection. then
communicated to the public. Collection management includes the activity of
procurement, administration, conservation, storage, research and communicating
the collection to be used by the people.
The problem raised in this research is related to the collection
management of Benteng Vredeburg Museum in the effort to improve service to
the public. All the effort are carried out to accomplish the function of museum as
preservation institution and source of information. So far the museum service is
considered as not satisfactory. This is due to the limited understanding among the
museum staffs and public in general on the real function of the museum.
Therefore, the museum should improve itself, so that the role of the museum as
preservation institution and information sources can be achieved. The museum
improvement should not only be conducted in many aspects of the collection
management but also in the presentation of the museum collection as part of
museum communication to public.
This research offers some consideration on collection management system
and efforts that should be done to make Benteng Vredeburg Museum to be more
public-oriented. Museum collection should be managed administratively, have
complete data, be accessible easily and be useful for people. Through these efforts
the role of the museum as cultural preservation institution and information
sources can be realized.