Summary: | Dyspepsia is known as a leading cause of upper gastrointestinal tract morbidity. Due
to its nonspesific symptoms it is difficult to manage this. If left untreated, it will be chronic
disease. Dyspeptic symptoms could be manifested as epigastric pain, heartburn, nausea,
hematemesis or melena. Experimental studies have shown that routine omeprazole more
efective to reduce heartburn better than ranitidine in adults. How ever until now there is no
study that document the effect of PPI much better than H2 receptor antagonist to reduce
dyspeptic symptoms in children. The aim of this study to determine the effect of PPI
(omeprazole) to reduce dyspeptic symptoms in children.
is study was a double- Th blind randomized controlled trial, conducted at Sardjito
General Hospital and 3 Public Health Centres in Sleman, Yogyakarta (Ngaglik II, Depok I,
and Turi) from 79 children aged 3-18 years old samples that were selected to fulfilled the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Dyspepsia was diagnosed clinically using new Rome III
criteria. Research subjects were randomized using block randomization into two main therapy
groups, proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole) and H2 receptor antagonist (ranitidine) treatment.
Both groups were monitored for 5 days and the outcome was a reduction dyspeptic
s The result show that there was a significant difference in both therapy groups
(p=0,005). As a conclusion, omeprazole had 4,8 times better than ranitidine in reducing
dyspeptic symptoms in children age 3-18 year old (95% CI 1,5-15,3).