Summary: | An employee turnover was a crucial problem facing by an organization. The
company with too high employee turnover would encounter a serious problem.
For the workers themselves, turnover was not something to expect. Turnover was
a process affected by various kinds of conditions. This research was aimed to
know the influence of a psychological contract towards a turnover intention. The
gaps occurred of what was promised in a contract and what was perceived by
employees would lead a satisfaction level decreased, so that eventually emerge
dissatisfaction. In the previous researches, a dissatisfaction was generally would
trigger a turnover intention. This research was also aimed to know a more
specific dissatisfaction namely dissatisfaction towards a psychological contract.
Hypothesis in this research was dissatisfaction would arise if there are gaps
between what was promised and what was experienced and the dissatisfaction
towards a psychological contract would strengthen a turnover intention. Subjects
in this research were 55 salespeople in a banking company. To examine that
hypothesis research subjects were asked to fill three questionnaires namely: a
perception towards a psychological contract gap, dissatisfaction towards a
psychological contract, and a turnover intention. This research result showed that
perception towards a psychological contract gap did not actually significantly
correlated to a dissatisfaction with β = 0.111 (β<1.96) and p = 0.418 (p>0.01),
meanwhile, a dissatisfaction towards a psychological contract affected a turnover
intention strength with β = 0.352 (β<1.96) and p = 0.008 (p<0.01) that showed
that a dissatifaction contribution towards a psychological contract to a turnover
intention was low. A determination coefficient R2 = 0.124 explained that a
dissatisfaction towards a psychological contract perception only contributed
12.4% towards a turnover intention, while 87.6% were other variable
contributions in the outside of a dissatisfaction towards a psychological contract
perception. This showed that a perception towards a psychological contract gap
and satisfaction were two different variables due to a job satisfaction variable was
subjective in nature and also according to Dipboye, Smith, and Howell
(1993),30% of them were affected by a personal factor. This research result
supported a relationship hypothesis between dissatisfaction and turnover
intention. A consequence of this result would be discussed in a discussion.