Summary: | Human milk contains much components help immune system,especially
when the body receive antigen. A research in Italy show that the proportion of fever
in a baby receive exclusive brestfeeding is lower than babies unreceive exclusive
breastfeeding in babies that receive hexavalent immunization. There is no data about
fever after tetravalent immunization, and about factors that related to exclusive
The objective of this research is to describe breastfeeding effect to fever after
immunization. The design is cohort prospective. The subjects is babies who have
immunization in growth and development clinic in Sardjito Hospital ,Puskesmas
Wirobrajan, Puskesmas Jetis, Puskesmas Tegalrejo, Puskesmas Gondokusuman, and
Panti Asuhan Sayap Ibu.
The number of subjects is 68 patients, male or female, age 2-6 months,
schedule have immunization combo DTwP/HepB. There are 34 babies got
breastfeeding and 34 babies got formula milk. Temperature measurement done to the
baby before immunization, then the mother trained about temperature measurement,
and then the temperature measurement continued in home until 3 days after
immunization. The baby�s temperatute checked every six hours or anytime the
mother feel need to measure her baby temperature.