Summary: | Background:Diarrhea is a disease that caused 4% people deaths in worldwide,
mostly children in developing countries. In Indonesia, diarrhea remains a public
health problem, in terms of morbidity and mortality as well as the outbreaks.
Research on diarrhea and its risk factors, especially among children under five years
have been conducted, but studies in people over the age of five years have not been a
lot done. Diarrhea majority attacking children aged under five years, the most
common cause is rotavirus. Last 3 years data in the district of Kulonprogo mentioned
that diarrhea is more common in aged overfive years, mostly bacterial causedand
related to the issue of environmental sanitation and water quality.
Objective:To determine the role of environmental sanitation conditions, demography,
topography and rainfall as risk factors for acute diarrhea in patients 5-14 years old in
the District Kulonprogo in year 2011.
Method:An observational analytic conducted to this study with spatial analysis using
cross-sectional design to identify, analyze the incidence of acute diarrhea in patients
5-14 years old who live in the area and were hospitalized in the district Kulonprogo
associated with village sanitation, demography, topography and rainfall.
Results:Lowest latrine coverage was 5.88% in the Village DepokPanjatan, lowest
clean water coverage was 27.12% in the Village Banjaroyo Kalibawang, highest
ownership of cattle sheds proportion was 72.10% in the Village Jangkaran Temon,
densest villages population was46 people per km
in the Village Nomporejo Galur,
the highest height average of village was 650 m above sea level in the Village
Ngargosari Samigaluh. Results of spatially weighted regression analysis (spatial error
model) using GeoDa shown that high population density causes high incidence rate of
acute watery diarrhea (p=0.0067) but not for dysentery (p=0.9887). Very low and
very high rainfall lead to the high of incidence rate.
Conclusion:In children aged 5-14 years in the District Kulonprogo in 2011, the high
population densities lead to high incidence rate of acute watery diarrhea but not for
dysentery. The high incidence rate of acute diarrhea caused by very low and very
high rainfall.