Summary: | This research is entitled The Ideology of the Main Character in the Novel Rihlah
Ila Allah by Naji<b Al-Kaila<niy: A Gramsci's Hegemonial Analysis. The
background of this research is the controversy between Islam and secularism
happened in Egypt, which was represented by IM and the revolutionary
government of Jamal 'Abdul Nashir. Rihlah Ila Allah depicts the ideas as well as
the fought of ideology involved there.
This research aims at investigating the involvement of the novel Rihlah Ila Allah
during the fought and negotiation between Islam and secularism. To analyse that,
theory of hegemony stated by Gramsci is used here.
From this research, it is revealed that Rihlah Ila Allah wins secularism. This is
shown from the number of episodes presented in this novel, where the episodes
containing the idea about secularism are more than the episodes containing the
idea about Islam. The same is so in the plot development, where the idea about
secularism is predominantly presented. However, Rihlah Ila Allah still admits the
truth of Islam so that it provides possibility of acceptance by IM and its
supporters. Still, such truth is bordered only as a motivation to operate the social,
economic, and political life.