Summary: | Developing moral intelligence on early childhood is one of the most important
roles that parents (father and mother) and school have to take. Both parties
have to work hand in hand to achieve this goal. This must not be uneasy
task for the school. For, not all parents already have ample knowledge and
experience to choose appropriate way to do so. The school, therefore, have
to provide training and be active in involving parents� participation. Developing
child�s moral intelligence needs good participation and cooperation between
father and mother. This research was done to six (6) couples and sixteen
(16) kindergarten children aged four to five years old. Five (5) children
belonged to parents who participied in the harmonious parents training
�Pelatihan Orangtua Kompak� (treated as experimental group), and eleven
(11) children whose parents were not joining the training (treated as control
group). This study was aimed to find out whether there was an impact of
harmonious parents �Orangtua Kompak� training on parent�s knowledge and
experience in developing their preschool children�s moral intelligence. The
data were collected in two phases. The first was carried out to collect data
about the six couple�s knowledge and experience in developing preschool
children�s moral intelligence before and after the training. The second phase
the data were collected from 5 children of experimental group, from 11
children belonged to the control group. First phase study indicated that there
was significant impact of �Pelatihan Orangtua Kompak� on parents knowledge
in developing preschool children�s moral intelligence and those of the control
group. The results from Mann-Whitney Test was the value of p = 0,145 (p >
0,05). The children�s moral intelligence whose parents training �Pelatihan
Orangtua Kompak� not different with the children whose parents were not
joining the training. The advance testing of parental knowledge differences
between mothers and fathers was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test.
Based on the calculation the post-test�s value of p = 0.485 (p > 0.05), so there
were no differences in parental knowledge about the development of
children's moral intelligence between fathers and mothers. In other words, the
parent pairs were equal in knowledge.