Summary: | Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta has the main task to preserve
the values of the struggling history of the Indonesian nation. When the world is
hiting by the wave of globalization, so the understanding of the values of the
struggling history particularly in nationalism is important. Therefore, based on
the purpose of the museum establishment by ICOM related with the national
education goals, this study is conducted to determine the role of the Benteng
Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta as a means of nationalism education and
strategy of its development. This research is a descriptive analytic that attempts
to describe or interpret the ongoing situation. Data collection is conducted through
observation (collection, the exhibition layout, and activities program), distribution
of questionnaires to the 100 respondents, interviews and literature study.
Furthermore, the data is processed and analyzed based on form, function and
The results of research are: first, Benteng Vredeburg Museum of
Yogyakarta has a role as a means of nationalism education, it is proved by the
increase of visitor understanding of the values of nationalism through the
exhibition in Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta. It means that the
existence of Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta as a means of education
to communicate the values of the struggling history particularly in nationalism can
be realized. Second, the development strategy of the role of Benteng Vredeburg
Museum of Yogyakarta as a means of nationalism education are: collecting of
collections contained theme of nationalism, adding diorama contained theme of
nationalism, increasing the appeal of museum through the activities contained
theme of nationalism, nationalism training for the guide, the procurement of
books contained theme of nationalism, playing the movie of struggling history,
presenting exhibition layout that puts the principles of nationalism and labeling.
Thus, the importance of understanding and practice of the nationalism
values, especially for the younger generation, the museum should always enhance
the role Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta as a means of nationalism
education for the survival of Republic Indonesia. It can be done by making a
variation of the activity program to attract people to come to the museum, so they
will indirectly learn about the values of nationalism. For planning and
implementation of activities can be done in cooperation with relevant parties
having a similar vision of nationalism education.