Summary: | Brucellosis was a zoonotic diseases giving a risk to the health of human
and animal. The disease became national priority for preventing, controlling and
eradication in Indonesia. Molecular analysis with Polymerase Chain Reaction
(PCR) method has been used for bacterial diagnosis and genetic variation.
Bacteria was intracellular facultative so that could stay within phagocytic and no
phagocytic celullars. Objective of study was to identify B. abortus from buffy coat
of cattle blood with PCR method and genetic variation of bacterial isolates from
several areas in Indonesia. Blood buffy coat of cattle was originated from South
Lampung and Klaten with eight samples of each areas, and four isolate of B.
abortus from several areas in Indonesia. Research was supported by serological
test of Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and complement Fixation Test (CFT). Molecular
examination consist of DNA extraction using Qiagen QIAmp DNA mini kit,
amplification in Omp2b gen using forward primer: 5-GGTCAGCATAA
electrophoresis, and DNA sequencing. Four cattle were positive of RBT and CFT
test from sixteen number of cattle. Result of PCR from blood buffy coat of cattle
that symptomatic brucellosis. Phylogeny of four bacterial isolates showed that
they were close related, even though its validity was low (60%). Identification of
B. abortus from blood buffy coat of cattle was not recommended except from
acute condition of brucellosis.