Summary: | Resistance to disease is an important trait in breeding influencing quality and
ultimately the crop yield. The induction of systemic resistance could be performed
to improve plant resistance to disease which is stimulating the plant defense
system by using elicitor application. It involves the coordination and expression of
a particular gene called SAR genes and characterized by the accumulation of
certain compounds such as or jasmonate acid.
The experiment consists of four steps. First step is preliminary experiment
to select the best non pathogenic rhizobacteria as biological elicitor. Selection of
their bacteria based on hypersensitive assesment, effect of rhizobacteria
application to seed viability and diseses inhibition. The main experiment consist
of three experiments. First, Selection of promising line. This experiment is aimed
to obtain the best line that possess highest raising resistance and most responsive
to treatment. This research utilized six F1 hybrids of maize i.e. C02, C05, C13,
C19, C20, and SC-139 4D. Four elicitors were tested as treatment namely non
pathogenic rhizobacteria Bio1 dan Bio2, Salicylic acid (Abio1) and
Benzothiadiazole-S-Methy/BTH (Abio2) by seed treatment. As control was used
Fungicides Dimethomorph+Metalaxyl. Experiment was conducted at open field
using spreader as inoculum source. Treated seeds then were planted and observed
until 42 days after planting. Resistance evaluation was done by comparing origine
resistance with induced resistance. Resistant plant was self-pollinated to obtain
The result revealed C20 is the most responsive to four kinds of elicitor. Two
of them, Bio1 and Abio1 were able to improve to be moderat resistant (MR) status
while Bio2 and Abio2 gave resistant (R) status. The measurement and detection
indicated that salicylic acid content tends to increase after inoculation by pathogen
P. maydis comparing with control and PR-1 gene was detected respectively.The
inheritance study also showed the increased resistance status could be inherited
into populations S
1. Under supervision of Dr. Ir. Aziz
Purwantoro, M.Sc. and Dr. Ir. Andi Khaeruni R., M.Si.
1 generation seed material. Second experiment is verification of induced
resistance status. Investigation was conducted by physiological and molecular
approach using salycilic acid content estimation and detection of PR-1 gene using
PCR technique. Third is inheritance study in S1 generation from line that possess
resistance raising.
1 generation and followed Mendelian inheritance pattern for the
ratio 15:1.