Summary: | There are quite a lot number of studies linking organizational climate to life
satisfaction, especially work and family satisfaction. This study attempt to reveal
the effect of organizational climate perception to employee work and family
satisfaction. Sample was taken from companies which in nature have similar
activities mainly of product processing. 100 employees of three different
companies participated in this study and respond to questionnaires as required.
Obtained sample then to be divided into two groups based on the evaluated
score on Organizational Climate Perception Scale. Group one (low score) ranging
from minimum to median, group two (high score) ranging from median to
maximum. A one way analysis of variance method applied to compute the effect
of organizational climate (as independent variable) towards work and family
satisfaction (as dependent variables). The result showed that organizational
climate perception significantly have effect on work satisfaction (p=0.001, p<0.05)
and does not effects the family satisfaction (p=0.141, p>0.05) Simple correlation,
Oneway Anova, and others are applied in this study, the results and
recommendations are discussed.