Summary: | This research aimed to identify the determinants of rental value of billboards
in Sleman and compile them in a rental billboard valuation models.
The reasearch used cross section data obtained by interviewing with 13
advertising company and included 74 observation scattered in various locations in
Sleman. Secondary data such as the realization of advertisement tax and zoning
classifications derived from Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Sleman.
Multiple linear regression analysis with Ordinary Least Square method was
used to measure the influence of the determinant such as lot size, type of
billboard, duration of contract and location of billboards to rental value of
billboard. Log-log model was chosen as the best estimation model with coefficient
of determination (R2) was about 88,73 percent which means that the 88.73 percent
behavior of the dependent variable was able to be explained by the independent
variables. The economic, statistic and econometric test showed that lot size, type
of billboard and location influenced positively the rental value of billboard
meanwhile the duration of contract had negative relation to rental value of