Summary: | There have been many studies conducted on the Dayak community in
Kalimantan. Most viewed the impact of ecological changes in Kalimantan. This
thesis attempts to look at the relation of the entry of rubber on trading activity
undertaken. Trading activity raises an intermediary actors playing in the grey area.
The strength of this intermediate class affects socio-economic processes taking
place in society.
In this thesis, I try to look at social-economic processes in society with
rubber crops. The process that occurs can�t be separated from the role of
middlemen, in this thesis I refer to as tokeh. Relation between tokeh and client is
patron-client relations. Tokeh as the patron has the duty to always protect their
client �both economic and social-. While client try to repay his patron through
loyalty. These relationships are reciprocal. Patron client relations experiences real
shocks as the entry of new agents of change, one of which is a credit union (CU).
CU was able to change the social structure of the community through the possible
mobilization of the client. The opportunity to become tokeh more wide open with
capital provided. On the other hand open acess has an impact on the changing
pattern of relationships, from patron-client toward to transactional.
This study, I did in Kerawang Hamlet located in the village of Sei.
Kembayau, Meliau sub-district, Sanggau district, West Kalimantan. The
commodity in this area is rubber among the palm oil villages plantations.