Summary: | By implementing a performance measurement system is expected to help
further improve the performance of the government in realizing the goals and
objectives, efficiency and effectiveness of the public in a transparent manner, and
implementing accountability. In terms of accountability, in truth there is
information that is needed by interested parties. Therefore it can be used as media
accountability or liability as a tool for solving a variety of problems to expect an
improvement in the performance of the government through the CGC, LPPD,
LAKIP. Through 3 report the performance of the government can dinilaidengan
transparent, systematic and accountable. Therefore, these three reports can
encourage governments to create "good governace", other than that people can
have more confidence in the government that has implemented the principles of
accountability and transparency.
This research has the objective to provide input to government agencies in
the preparation of the Strategic Plan and performance reports. Because we know
in the preparation of the Strategic Plan and LAKIP still quite arbitrary, so that the
results of