Summary: | This study was aimed to develop an instrument of student wellbeing
measurement for elementary school. The scale was based
on the review of well-being research in children by Pollard and
Lee (2003) adapted to the school context referring to the
psychological well-being approach suggested by Ryff and Keyes
(1995). The process of construction of the scale was started by
making three parallel scales. Each scale composed was tested
on 200 respondents, so the total number of the respondents was
600. The results of the analysis of the three scales were used as
the basis for preparing a compilation scale. The compilation scale
was then tested on 215 respondents. The results of the analysis
of the compilation scale showed that 39 items composed had
satisfying psychometric properties, i.e. the reliability coefficient,
item discrimination index, and content validity, while structurally,
factor structures still needed to be improved.