Summary: | The current global period, Indonesia faced two unfavorable
conditions. Defence and security are two of the few areas of national life
that would not be free from the turmoil in the environment. A new chapter
in the functioning of the institutions that have responsibilities in the field of
defense and security begins with the process of democratization.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of the community
in supporting resiliency in the Village District Tridayasakti Tambun Bekasi,
identify and analyze the factors that affect the role of the community in the
receiving system resiliency in the Village District Tridayasakti Tambun
Bekasi, analyzing the business to do communities with social economy
diversity and pluralism in favor of the defense and security of the region in
the Village District Tridayasakti Tambun of Bekasi District.
This research method desktiptif. Meanwhile, the technique of data
collection is done by distributing questionnaires, interviews, and
observation and documentation. The population in this study is the Tridaya
Village Way South Tambun of Bekasi District classified as adults, aged
between 20-60 years, as many as 15,735 people. The samples in this study
were as many as 100 people to the village of Tridaya Way South Tambun of
Bekasi District. Technique of data analysis in this research by organizing
data, grouping by categories, themes and patterns of answers, test
assumptions or existing problems to the data, looking for an alternative
explanation for the data, and writing research.
The results of this study indicate that, first urban village Tridayasakti
save the fact that the villagers are still not optimal role in resiliency her
village because of the role of citizens in the area of security that is required
in the major area of resistance is not yet optimal. Second, the determinants
of participation of citizens in the security of the region as an integral part of
the system resiliency factors are personal factors and communality. Third,
efforts have been made Tridayasakti urban villagers in the security
establishment is still limited to the area of business is personal.