Summary: | This study applied economic valuation using TCM (Travel Cost Method)
and CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) which is based on individual data of the
visitors. The study took place in Tablanusu Beach Kabupaten Jayapura, which is
at the moment was under construction. The aims of this study are to identify the
WTP (Willingness to Pay) of the visitors, and to predict the economic value of the
TCM is a one of methods to determine value figures for particular place
which are generally not bought and sold. This method was used to identify
undirectly the amount of the WTP which can be know from visitors travel cost.
This method was also used to estimate the demand function of the Beach using
relationship regression model among the amount of visit with the visitors travel
cost, income, age, length of education, quality and substitute. The demand
function could be used to identify the economicvalue of the Beach through
consumer surplus. The sample of the TCM study involved 80 visitors. This study
also employed CVM that was a method used to estimate environmental value
based on surveys. The sample number used for WTP identification was 80
Factors that influenced the number of visits to the Tablanusu Beach
Kabupaten Jayapura are travel cost, income and substitute. Factors that influenced
the individual willingness to pay for the Tablanusu Beach Kabupaten Jayapura are
Based on the analysis result, the economic value of Tablanusu Beach
kabupaten jayapura using the travel cost method was ranged for
Rp2.751.293.520,00�Rp7.958.598.640,00. Meanwhile the willingness to pay
value by using the contigent valuation method was ranged for Rp213.172.500,00.