Summary: | Conflict is something dynamic or constantly changing. Conflict is always
through the phases of the conflict according to the concept spiral of unmanaged
conflict, ranging from the problem emergence phase, side form, position harden,
communication stop, resource are committed, conflict goes outside the
community, perception become distorted, sense of crisis emerge, outcomes vary.
As the conflict, the conflict is also of course the construction of the houses of
worship through these phases. Of the two conflicts are discussed, conflict Nur
Musafir mosque at Batuplat in the city of Kupang and conflict Al Jami Muhajirin
mosque at TTU Kefamenanu, NTT province, also pass through or experienced
these phases although not all events on both the same on each phase of the
conflict. Of the phases through which could eventually discovered several factors,
both factors that contribute to initiate (read: the underlying) conflict and some of
the factors that can resolve each conflict in question.
The data used is primary data that interviews with the parties involved in
or aware of this conflict. Apart from these parties, the primary data is also the
author got from important documents issued by the government relating to this
conflict, the documents from the builder of the mosque, the documents of the
youth and the community. Secondary data was also writer in this study as the
local newspaper clippings