Summary: | The purpose of this study is to determine what are the factors that cause
the lack of absorption of Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) Regency / City in the
province of Riau in 2011. Formulation of the problem in this research is not much
empirical evidence or the unknown factors that cause lack of shopping areas,
resulting in low absorption of budgets in many districts and cities in the province
of Riau in 2011)
Informants in this study is a head of department, head of the agency,
department secretary, bureau chief financial informants and snowball that has to
do with the preparation and implementation of the budget in 2011. Based on the
data, the total of all informants were successful in 19 people interviewed were
obtained from three (3) districts and one (1) cities: Pelalawan, Bengkalis, Rokan
Hilir and Dumai City. The data obtained were analyzed using a model of Miles
and Hubberman.
The results of this study indicate respective districts / cities have factors
causing the lack of absorption of Revenue and Expenditure (APBD) that vary
according to the conditions of internal governance. However, several factors are
almost the same between one area to other areas, for example: regulatory factors,
political factors, factors tenders / auctions factors and organizational commitment.