Summary: | Farming is a business how to allocate available resources effectively and efficiently for the
purpose of obtaining high profits at any given time. Effective farming is the farmer or
manufacturer can allocate their resources in the best possible utilization of resources
efficiently when it produces output that exceeds the input or output or input. Understanding
efficiency is relative, input use efficiency is defined as the smallest to get maximum
production. The purpose of this study are (1) to determine the socio-economic kerakteristik
cocoa farmers in the village of Wiyono (2) to determine the factors that most influence on the
level of income from the farming of cocoa farmers in the village Wiyono, and (3) to determine
the magnitude of the contribution of farm income cocoa to the total household income of
cocoa farmers in the village of Wiyono
The basic method applied in this research is a survey method which takes the case in Wiyono
village in sub district of Gedong Tataan, Pesawaran regency. The researcher by observation
and structured interviews. Analysis techniques used statistical test methods is double
regression analysis and the frequency tables.
Based on the results of research carried out shows that the physical condition of the land in
the area of research related to the cocoa farming climatic conditions, topography and land in
accordance with the terms grow cocoa and non-physical conditions related to cocoa farming
in the study area are capital, labor, marketing , management and productivity of cocoa farm
cocoa farm. Income derived from cocoa farming contributes greatly to the total income of
farm households is equal to 91.7%. From the results of multiple regression test performed on
the cocoa farm production factors to net income shows that cocoa farming labor factor is a
factor that most greatly reduced the income of farmers, while the land area of cocoa is the
most factors increase the income of farmers.