Summary: | Evaluating the Service Quality on Online Store using E-S-Qual measurement Model
In recent year, internet has been choosen by the customer for transaction because the
technology of the internet has made it possible to customer to take a greater control to the
purchase and consumption experience than ever before. That�s why e-commerce is increasing
and so many company and online store prefer to offer facility and transact the selling of product
and service by online. The purpose of this study are to explore the suitability of E-S-Qual
application in particular e-commerce setting on online store and to analyze the
impacts of website quality upon customer loyalty and actual purchases.
There are three regression models on this study. The first model is multiple regression (it
measures four dimensions of service quality and perceived value ), the second and the third
models are simple regression. The simple regression model measure the relationship between
loyalty and actual purchases.
This research discovered there is no relationship between system availability and
perceived value. It showed the relationship between the dimensions of e-service quality
(efficiency, fulfillment, and privacy, except system availability) and perceived value. It also
suggested that perceived value influenced loyalty , and loyalty didn�t influence actual purchases.
For researcher and manager, it is really important to know and analyze that high level of E-SQual
has positif influences to customer on online market.