Summary: | Cooperation by the three administrative areas amongst districts in DIY
between Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bantul incorporated in the Kartamantul Joint
Secretariat. Established by decree with the three regional leaders contained in Joint
Decree Bantul Regent, Sleman Regent , and Yogyakarta Mayor No. 18 Year 2001 on
establishment of the Joint Secretariat Kartamantul.
With the decentralization policy, requires each region to maximize its
potential, but also requires the presence of other areas to assist in solving the
problems faced with. A mechanism of action is well organized and a sense of mutual
need will be able to create a good cooperation. The objectives of this research
include the perception of stakeholders on the implementation of Kartamantul interregional
cooperation, examine the factors of which the success and failure of
Kartamantul regional cooperation Kartamantul, and assess the effectiveness of
Kartamantul inter-regional cooperation mechanisms. The research method used in
this research is a qualitative research method. Analysis of the data is inductive
qualitative analysis use to explain the phenomenon rationally based on the data and
the factors that associated with descriptive.
In the main way Kartamantul cooperation is already successful and in
accordance with the vision and mission of the guidelines in cooperation. The key of
the successful Kartamantul cooperation are the success factors of collaboration itself.
The Kartamantul failure factor is a complex sector to be addressed, as in the spatial
planning sector. It is also constrained the licensing of organizing cooperation. Overall
the Kartamantul cooperation can be said effective in helping resolve the infrastructure
problems across the border because being able to address problems that emerged each