Summary: | This thesis entitled "The Effect of Employee Satisfaction on Employee Performance
Assessment Outcomes: The Role of Intrinsic Motivation as Mediating Variables" in
accordance with the principal issues raised are "Do Influence Satisfaction Against
Employee Performance Appraisal Employee Outcomes: The Role of Intrinsic Motivation
as Mediating Variables in PT. BPR.Artha Kencana, Branch Madiun, East Java.
"Background of this research is that many companies in Indonesia are still concerned
about employee performance appraisal. Good employee performance appraisal will lead
to the satisfaction of the practice of performance appraisal of employees in the company
and will have an impact on employee performance and organizational commitment. Thus,
PT. BPR. Kencana Artha, Cab. Madiun, East Java, using the method of performance
appraisal Judgment Based Performance Evaluation and assessment center to form a team
working on the company which deals specifically with the employee performance
appraisal. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a positive link between
performance appraisal satisfaction with employee performance, tested positive influence
between employee performance appraisal satisfaction with organizational commitment,
examined the effect of intrinsic motivation as a mediating variable in the relationship
between satisfaction with the performance appraisal employee performance and examine
the effect of intrinsic motivation as a mediating variable in the relationship between
performance appraisal satisfaction with organizational commitment. Research design
used in this study was to test the hypothesis that this study aims to examine the
relationship between two or more variables that can then be tested empirically.
Meanwhile, to support this study were obtained through interviews, questionnaires, and
literature. The population in this study were employees of PT. BPR. Kencana Artha, Cab.
Madiun, East Java, samples taken are employees who have worked for at least 2 years of
employment. After the deployment of the questionnaire, the questionnaire further
calculated using the test instrument (test validity, test reliability), regression test, t test, F
test, determination test, normality test, correlation, and test mediation. The conclusion
from this study is that there is a positive relationship between employee performance
appraisal satisfaction on employee performance, there is a positive relationship between
employee performance appraisal satisfaction on organizational commitment, intrinsic
motivation mediates the effect of performance appraisal satisfaction on employee
performance and intrinsic motivation mediates the effect of performance appraisal
satisfaction on organizational commitment.