Summary: | Babakan Siliwangi management plan had evoked controversy amongst the
stakeholders. Tthis research aimed to know the the conflict chronology, to identify
the stakeholders, and to map their roles as well as their interests.
The primary data encompassed both roles and interests of the
stakeholders, while the secondary data were publications and official documents
about the area. Data were collected by using document study and interview. Data
analysis were done by conflict process model, onion analogy, and influence-interest map.
The Bandung City Government decision to appoint the investor as
Babakan Siliwangi manager had emerged sorts of reaction from the community,
until the city government took resolution so that the area was aimed to be city
forest. Stakeholders in Babakan Siliwangi management covered public sector
stakeholders those were the city government and the city council, private sector
stakeholder that was PT Esa Gemilang Indah, while civil sector stakeholders were
ITB, Sanggar Olah Seni, Mitra Art Space, Himpunan Peternak Domba dan
Kambing Indonesia, and community alliance such as Masyarakat Peduli Babakan
Siliwangi, Bandung Inisiatif, and Bandung Creative City Forum. The city
government was stakeholder with high influence-high interest, the city council
was stakeholder with high influence-low interest, PT Esa Gemilang Indah, ITB,
Sanggar Olah Seni, Mitra Art Space, and Himpunan Peternak Domba dan
Kambing Indonesia were stakeholders with low influence-high interest, while
community alliance such as Masyarakat Peduli Babakan Siliwangi, Bandung
Inisiatif, and Bandung Creative City Forum were stakeholders with low influence-low interest.