总结: | There are many characteristics of the people in the region will be affect of community
participation level, in the research is community in the rich village and poor village. The
research has three objectives : (1) To know the level of community participation within
physical program of PNPM-MP. (2) to know the difference of community participation
level in the physical program of PNPM-MP . (3) To know factors that influence the level of
community participation.
The research was using a survey method. The research samples were selected
randomly from people that live in rich village and poor village at Nanggulan District. The
collected data was processed with descriptive frequency to know determine the level of
participation and factors that influence, chi square analysis used to know the difference
level of participation between the two villages..
The results obtained in this research are : first, the level of community participation in
physical program of National Community Empowerment Program Independent Rural
(PNPM-MP) at poor village higher than richer village, low participation level of 48.7
persen in Rich Village and the high participation rate of 53.8 persen in Poor Village. (2)
there are differences in the level of community participation in richer village and unrich
village, Chi Square results of arithmetic calculations (10.526) is higher than Chi square
table (5.9915) (3) Third, factors affecting the low participation level in the richer village is age, level of High school and higher education and a job. While the factors that influence high participation level in the poor village of productive age, elementary education level and occupation as a farmer.