Sumari: | PT. Aneka Tambang is a state company in mining. One of them is mining
nickel ore in Tanjung Buli, East Halmahera, North Maluku undertaken by Yudhistira
Bumi Bhakti Company. The mining which is open pit mining. Nickel ore mining
process produces liquid waste that can affect the nature and the environment.
Therefore, the aims of this study are 1) Knowing the quality of liquid waste contained
in sedimentation ponds when it is compared to the standard of liquid waste quality, 2)
Knowing the quality of the sea water around the outlet of the exhaust compared to the
standard of sea water quality, 3) Spacial analysis of the influence of liquid waste on
the environment.
The method used in this thesis was purposive sampling. This method is used
and be based on the position of settling ponds used for liquid waste
sedimentation.The number of water samples was 5 for liquid waste and 6 for
seawater samples that exist around the liquid waste outlet. The result of water quality
data will be compared with the standard of liquid waste and the standard of sea
water quality.
The result showed that the quality parameters of liquid waste effluent meets
the quality standards, including the quality of the sea water. The value showed from
the primary and secondary data have not exceeded the maximum limit required by
effluent quality standard of nickel ore mining activities. On the other hand, liquid
waste produced by the process of nickel ore mining is still in a safe threshold to be
discharged into waters, so it has no impact on the nature and the environment around
the mining area.