Summary: | The increasing of population directly affected to the increasing timber
demand nationaly. Optimum timber utilization is requires to solve those problem.
Teakwood obtained from thinning is a huge potency which is need to be research
from its properties including fiber dimension, physicals and mechanicals to obtain
a proper processing.
This study used completely randomized design with two factors
including tree ages (12, 15, 20 and 25 years) and radial position (near pith and
near bark). The samples of fiber dimensions evaluated according TAPPI Standard
1957 and physicals mechanicals were evaluated according to British Standard
Method 373 1957.
Teak obtained from KPH Kendal thinning had similar fiber
dimensions, physical and mechanical properties. The value of fiber dimensions
including fiber length, fiber diameter, lumen diameter and fiber wall thickness
were 0.91-1.39mm, 23.11-26.5μm, 10.83-13.46μm and 5.45-7.18μm,
respectively. Physical value including moisture content (MC) on wet and dry
condition were 21.99-43.63% and 14.85-17.44%. Specific gravity of wood in wet,
air-dry and oven-dry condition were 0.46-0.56