Summary: | The aim of this study is to evaluate treatment method for renal failure patient
that give more effective result between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis treatment
in Dialysis Instalation, RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta. This study using Cost
Effectiveness Analysis (CEA). Effectiveness measured by compare the result of cost
per outcome (Cost Effectiveness Ratio) between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
This study was conducted by collecting primary data from 30 respondents of
hemodialysis patient and 8 respondents of peritoneal dialysis patient. The data was
collected by interview with key informants and using EQ-5D questionnaire to
measured patient�s health condition. The result show that peritoneal dialysis give
better health condition (0,913375) than hemodialysis (0,5879) even it need more
money to spend for the treatment (Rp. 99.425.000,- per patient per year) than
hemodialysis (Rp. 66.609.675,- per patient per year). Hemodialysis have CER
22.660.205,82 and peritoneal dialysis have CER 21.770.904,61. The conclusion is
peritoneal dialysis more effective than dialysis treatment.