Summary: | The incomparable forest damage with forest recovery provide more
destruction to forest zones. Additionally, the low economic condition of
community has influenced the community behavior towards natural resources.
Community forest (Hkm) aims to conserve forest and increase community
welfare. This research aimed to recognize activities of local community institution
and other related stakeholders in implementation of HKm, the local community
dynamic in HKm implementation, and means that must be conducted in local
institution development for future forest management.
The research location is Kepek Hamlet I, Banyusoco village, Playen sub-district,
Gunung Kidul regency. This research utilized quantitative approach with survey
methods. The data acquisition was conducted by direct observation, interviews,
and literature study. Purposive sampling was used in research sites and
respondents selections to obtain data from questionnaires and interviews.
The results showed that the activities of social community institution are
group organized activities, such as group members meeting, trainings, and
activities surrounding location of HKm, namely planting, plant caring, security
supervising, and harvesting. The stakeholders play roles as partners in community
empowerment. The community institutional dynamics are social interactions in
the community group. The occurring problem is the impact of those interactions.
The efforts to develop the local community institution in future forest
management are self-supporting ventures and cooperation with various