Summary: | This research aimed to find out the effect of stocking density and enclosed
system on the survival and growth rate of red tilapia Cangkringan strain on nursery
phase and determine stocking density and a enclosed system on that produce the best
survival and growth. This research used experimental methods with 2 x 3 factorial
design. The research was conducted in Cangkringan Freshwater Aquaculture Unit for
30 days using the fish size of 8-12 cm. Enclosed system carried out in the pond and
hapa net (0,2mm) with stocking densities: 25, 30, and 35 fish/m2, each stocking
replicated three times. Sampling was done by measuring the length and weigh of 25%
the total number of fish stocked. Commercial pellet feed given by 5% of the weight of
biomass per day with a frequency of three times. The results showed that the
combination of stocking density and enclosed system is performed either at the pond or
hapa net no influence on the survival and growth of red tilapia Cangkringan strain.
Survival fish in the pond ranged from 81.91 to 84.67%, whereas in hapa net from 83.81
to 88.67%. The fish growth rate in pond ranged from 2.81 to 2.95 %/day, whereas in
hapa net 2.41 to 2.59% / day. red tilapia can be cultured in the pond or hapa net with
stocking density ranged 25-35 fish/m2. The culture of tilapia Cangkringan strain in
fertilized pond was better than in hapa net on the basis of growth.