Summary: | Research has been done to 5 months white tilapia (Oreochromis sp.)
breeders of fifth generation (F5) singapore strain (SS) janti. The purpose of this
research was to know the genetic gain value of 5 months white tilapia breeders of
fifth generation (F5) singapore strain janti compared with fourth generation (F4)
and to revealed the differential selection value of 5 months white tilapia breeders
of fifth generation (F5) singapore strain janti from average weight of top 100
compared to average weight of the population. The tilapia cultured in running
water system for a month. The research performed with 5 months white tilapia
breeders of singapore strain (SS) janti through individual selection method
(selective breeding). The white tilapia breeders of singapore strain (SS) used in
this research consisted of 400 male and 400 female. The selection of the white
tilapia was done randomly. Parameter measured included total weight, length,
survival rate, feed amount and water quality for culturing. The result showed that
the fifth generation (F5) had increasing weight growth of each individual with
genetic gain value against the forth generation (F4) was 30,12 % for the male and
27,92 % for female. The genetic gain value was better than several other selective
breeding of tilapia before. The top 100 average weight of the 5 months white
tilapia breeders of fifth generation (F5) singapore strain janti (184,03 ± 22,87 g to
224,88 ± 24,31 g) was higher than average weight of the population (131,27 ±
38,98 g to 163,31 ± 47,17 g). The differential selection value of white tilapia
breeders was 37,70 g for male and 40,19 g for female. The weight of male tilapia
population was less various than female ones.