Summary: | Coastal land areas such as Samas, Kuwaru, and Goa Cemara are degraded
land with soil texture dominated by sand fraction and the low amount of nutrient
availability. To rehabilitate the coastal land, C. equisetifolia was planted in 1996,
2000, and 2004, respectively. This research aimed to determine C-organic and N
total content of litter and soil in different ages of C. equisetifolia stand on
rehabilitated coastal sandy area.
The study was conducted in Goa Cemara, Kuwaru, and Samas with C.
equisetifolia stand aged 8, 12, 16 years. respectively. Litter samples were taken
from 1m x 1m quadratic wire and soil samples were taken with soil auger at depth
of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm at each location with 3 replications. The
litter was separated into fresh and fragmented litter and dried until reach a
constant dry weight. Both values of N total and C-Organic of litter and soil
samples were analyzed by Kjeldahl and Walkley and Black methods respectively.
The result showed that the older of C. equisetifolia stand, the higher Corganic
content of soil, while the N total content of litter, soil N total, and Corganik
of litter were not increase. The deeper the soil layer, the lower of the soil
C-organic and N total content. The significant decrease of soil C-organic contents
in Kuwaru occured at depth of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm, which were
0.34%, 0.07%, and 0.05%. The significant decrease of soil N total contents
occured at depth of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm, which were 0.04%, 0.02%,
and 0.01%. C. equisetifolia stands were able to increase the soil C-organic and N
total content of coastal sandy area. Eventhough the soil C-organic and N total
content are classified as very low.