Summary: | Talang Mamak Tribe is a group of isolated people who live remotely and
traditionally in the upstream area of Indragiri River, in the Province of Riau,
Indonesia. Houses in Talang Mamak Tribe are stilt houses with walls from barks,
floor from bamboo, roofs from thatch or leaf barks, and rattan as the binder of the
house structure. In line to the development of time and technology, Talang
Mamak Tribe houses have also changed. The use of materials, knowledge and
local technology, which are the original characteristics of Talang Mamak Tribe,
have been abandoned. Thus, Talang Mamak Tribe houses have become
complex and hasmany variations.
This study describes the typomorphology of Talang Mamak Tribe houses.
Qualitative research method was applied in this study. This method was used
through theories in vernacular and typomorphological architecture as the
background knowledge. This method was supported with information form
sources and practitioners in the study area. This study also applied the grounded
theories method with coding techniques including open coding, axial coding and
selective coding for data analysis. Such technique was also used to obtain the
variation of Talang Mamak Tribe houses to be used for classification and to
observe both characters and the concepts of Talang Mamak Tribe houses.
Based on the results of this study, the conclusionscan be drawn regarding
the architectural elements that always exist in the space and shape of Talang
Mamak Tribe houses. They are stilt houses with east direction orientation (the
living sun), with haluan rooms oriented to the north and south direction, with
either single or jointed (additional) mass, with square and rectangle plan, with
gable roof, and with horizontal and vertical wall shaping line. There are three
types of Talang Mamak Tribe houses: the small type (4-5 rooms), medium type
(6-7 rooms) and large type (8-9 rooms).