Summary: | This research at The Southern Part of Merapi Footplain Physiographic is a field
research that aims to determine land quality based on land suitability class and land
capability class. The method used is the approach to three the observation point by
limiting the diffence in altitude, zone 1 below 200 masl in Kedulan Temple, zone 2
between 200-300 masl in Palgading Temple and zone 3 more than 300 masl in
Morangan Temple. The data obtained in the form of primary data (field observations
include the geographical location, altitude, distance from the river,land
morphological data, cross-sectional soil data and laboratory analysis include soil
texture, particle density, bulk density, concentration C-organic, pH and CEC) and
secondary data (rainfall, air temperature, geologic data, distribution temple maps
and temple profiles temple data) is used for determining the land capability class of
criteria Arsyad (2006) and land suitability class criteria of Djaenudin et al. (2011)
were modified. Distribution of the temple at The Southern Part of Merapi Footplain
Physiographic are dominant in the area with an altitude between 100-200 meters
above sea level to the summit of Mount Merapi distance of 20-25 km Land around the
temples area at The Southern Part of Merapi Footplain Physiographic has good
quality because currently has land capability class I with actual suitability class for
Rice Field (S3nr4), Maize (S3wa1), Cassava (S2nr124 at zones 1, 3 and S3wa1 at
zone 3), Peanut (S3wa1nr4), Taro (S2nr14), Banana (S2nr14), Mango (S3wa1nr14 at
zones 1, 3 and S3wa1 at zone 2), Durian (S3wa1 at zones 1,3 and S2nr14 at zone 2),
Coconut (S3wa1nr14 at zones 1,3 and S2nr14 at zone 2) and potential land suitability
class for Rice Field (S2rc1nr124), Maize (S3wa1), Cassava (S2nr124 at zones 1, 3
and S3wa1 at zone 2), Peanut (S3wa1), Taro (S2nr14), Banana (S2nr14), Mango
(S3wa1nr14 at zones 1, 3 and S3wa1 at zone 2), Durian (S3wa1 at zones 1,3 and
S2nr14 at zone 2), Coconut (S3wa1nr1 at zones 1, 3 and S2nr1 at zone 2).