Summary: | Steganography is a science and art which learns about the way to hide
secret message in a media so the third party wouldn not realize whereabout of
those message. The research explains experimental study about how
steganography in digital audio media. This audio format using wave as it's format
and steganography used Modified Least Significant Bit (MLSB) and Spread
Spectrum (SS). In MLSB method, messsage is hidden by changing LSB value of
audio signal with single bit at the message in certain embedded in audio byte files
which have values of 254 or 255. For Spread spectrum method, secret message is
coded and spreads to every spectrum that possible.
This research has been done to analize the succesfull cryptographic unity
with steganography in Modified Least Significant Bit and Spread Spectrum to a
audio signal. A systems was build to ensure both method can be implementized to
wave audio file, Testing performance of the systems, and unity of the message
after steganography proccess.
Result of the research shows that comparison between MLSB of
steganography method and SS showing that in term of speed, sum of the message
that can be embedded and SNR value, MLSB is more superior than Spread
spectrum, but in terms of security Spread spectrum safer than MLSB.