Summary: | The study entitled \"Implementation of the Cooperation Agreement with
the provision of Tower Infrastructure rental Pattern Between PT. Smartfren Telecom,
Tbk and PT. Sarana Inti Persada, Bandung \", aims to determine obstacles and legal
protection for the parties in the implementation of the cooperation agreement with the
pattern of provision of tower infrastructure.
Empirical research is juridical. The data required in this study is primary
data and secondary data obtained through field research and literature. Data were
analyzed qualitatively and descriptively presented analytically.
Research shows that there are obstacles in the implementation of the
cooperation agreement with the pattern of provision of tower infrastructure lease
between PT. Smartfren Telecom, Tbk and PT. Sarana Inti Persada, Bandung, namely:
the problem of providing land for tower infrastructure, establishment licensing issues
tower, power supply problems PLN, and the problem of raw material specifications
tower infrastructure. Problem solving the constraints arising from the delay tower
infrastructure provision by the parties resolved by consensus to reach agreement
based on the awareness and common sense by both parties. Legal protection for the
rights and obligations set out in the statement warranties and indemnities, insurance,
transfer, negligence, transfer of ownership and the termination of the lease tower