Summary: | This study aims to determine the relationship between perceptions of the
police profession and the effectiveness performance of transformational leadership.
The study was conducted at the Police Traffic Unit Yogyakarta. The study was conducted
with a quantitative approach.
0,473, p=0,029<0,05).
The research sample was done by purposive sampling by considering the condition
of the sample is homogeneous, and the willingness or availability of research subjects. The
number of samples used as many as 90 were taken from Bantul Police Traffic Unit, Police
Traffic Unit Gunungkidul Kulonprogo Police Traffic Unit, Sleman Police Traffic Unit,
Traffic Unit Police Poltabes Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta police Ditlantas, respectively 15.
Measurements performed with the instrument variable semantic differential scale with
interval score of 0 to 10. Research instruments are qualified validity and reliability. Data
analysis was performed using multiple linear regression.
The results of this study show the empirical evidence: (1) Transformational
Leadership and Professional Perceptions of Police and collectively significantly related to
Performance Effectiveness (F = 15.571, p = 0.000 <0.05), (2) Perceptions of the Police
Profession have relationships that are positive and significant with Performance Effectiveness
( Based on the value of the product moment correlation, it can be
said the relationship between the perception of the effectiveness of the Police Profession
relatively moderate performance, (3) Transformational leadership has a relationship that is
positive and significant with Performance Effectiveness (b1 = 0.283 p = 0.029 <0.05). Based
on the correlation value momentnya product, we can conclude with the relationship between
Transformational Leadership Effectiveness Performance relatively moderate, (4) The
coefficient of determination of 24.7%, indicating that the level of performance of members of
the Police Effectiveness is determined by 24.7% and the Perception of Transformational
Leadership the police profession, while 75.3% were prescribed other variables that are not
included in this study.