Summary: | Operational excellence is strategy designed so that operations can have an
excellent competitive. Operational excellence allows companies to move in an
environment that produces the flow of work that is able to contribute to the
overall growth of the business. Achieving an efficient production system can begin
by analyzing waste occurred in the production process. Based on the theory of
Lean Manufacturing, there are eight major waste in the production:
overproduction, inventory, correction, over-processing, motion, waiting,
transportation and knowledge. After wasting successfully analyzed, the system
further by implementing 5S in the work area. 5S is a methodology creation and
method for maintaining a systematic arrangement, clean, and effective highquality
work. The philosophy is an acronym for five Japanese words, namely:
Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. The result is an effective organization
in the workplace, production efficiency, elimination of losses associated with
failures and difficulties in the production process, quality improvement and work