Summary: | The development of the fashion world in Indonesia today is quite rapid. As
the largest contributor to exports of creative industries, one of the fashion derived
products that becomes the concern to the government today is shoes. Shoe
business in Indonesia is quite competitive, especially because of the plan of a
number of shoe manufacturers that will make Indonesia the world's production
base. Batik shoes business can be a breakthrough for the local shoe business to be
able to compete with foreign shoes. Instead of not having a lot of competitors,
batik shoes also have a competitive value because it brings the nation's cultural
values and produced through hand-made.
Basically consumers have different tastes, it is necessary to design the new
business model for batik shoes, in this case is Duhita Stuff. In conducting this
research, the writer conducted the analysis to business processes of the batik
shoes businesses existed before, D'Arcadia Treasure, as a guide in developing the
alternative business models for Duhita Stuff. Designing Duhita Stuff�s business
models was conducted through FGD to potential customers, as a reference in
determining the nine components of business model by Osterwalder and Pigneur
(2010). The nine components of business model were then summarized into a
canvas business model.
Duhita Stuff�S business model focuses not only on the system
implementation of made to stock, but also made to order in individual scale. The
implementation of the system of made to order in individual scale was indicated
from the results of FGD, that basically customers have different tastes, both in
terms of the selection of batik patterns and the models of shoes. Of course, by
offering the system of made to order in individual scale, it can be one of the
efforts to create added value for Duhita Stuff to its customers. In this case, the
customer can choose the model of shoes and batik patterns corresponding to their
wishes. In addition, the efforts of value-added creation are also made by Duhita
Stuff by focusing on selling through online system (website). Through the website,
customers can purchase the product and can also customize the batik shoes as
their wish.