Summary: | A hernia is a protrusion of part or all of the viscus from its normal position
through a gap where the viscus is located. A hernia is a protrusion of a viscus
from external peritoneal cavity into abnormal positions, the most common is
inguinal. Inguinal hernia repair is the most common operation performed.
Recurrence rate of inguinal hernia repair is different in emergency and elective
repair. Therefore, inguinal hernia repair should be performed as soon as the
diagnosis is made, so as to minimize the risk of adverse outcomes.
This study aimed to determine the relationship of emergency and elective
surgery for inguinal hernia recurrence rates in adults in Dr. Sardjito Central
Hospital and RSKB Southern Ring Road Hospital in 2007 to 2011. The research
method used was cross sectional. Sampling technique with a total sampling that
all patients with inguinal hernia repair were treated and performed surgery in Dr.
Sardjito Hospital and RSKB Southern Ring Road Hospital Yogyakarta from
January 2007 to December 2011 totaling 150 patients. Analysis of data using
univariate, bivariate analysis and multyvariate analysis.
The results showed that: (1) There was no relationship between gender,
surgical technique, age, occupation, chronic cough, history of surgery, the position
of lateral, medial position, right inguinal hernia, left inguinal hernia and bilateral
inguinal hernia with inguinal hernia recurrence in Adults at Dr. Sardjito Central
Hospital and RSKB Southern Ring Road Hospital in 2007 - 2011, and (2) There
was a relationship between emergency surgery, symptoms of LUTS and accident
hernia with inguinal hernia recurrence in Adults at Dr. Sardjito Hospital and
RSKB Southern Ring Road Hospital in 2007 to 2011. (3) Emergency surgery had
no parameter estimation to the insidence of recurrence groin hernia in Adults at
Dr. Sardjito Hospital and RSKB Southern Ring Road Hospital in 2007 - 2011