Summary: | Nowadays, web-based computer system security is a major concern because it
is vulnerable to computer crime. One form of attack carried out by using robot
programs (bots) who disguised as a human. Based on these problems, testing methods
that often called reverse Turing test are required to distinguish the validation process
between robot and human. Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell
Computers and Humans Apart (captcha) is one method of reverse Turing test which is
normally used on various websites as a method to distinguish between humans and
machines. This method is used as a security system on a website but sometimes reduce
the level of comfort for the users of the website. In addition, there are some difficulties
that are often encountered by users like image distortion, captcha in foreign
languages, and various captcha types such as text captcha, image captcha, and
sound captcha.
This study aims to determine the level of user experience with each type of
captcha and to produce a recommended types of captcha that can be used in the
construction and development of a website which is in accordance with the level of
user comfort. Observational studies was performed by observing different types of
captcha, captcha generation methods, and some aspects of usability captcha using an
online questionnaire.
The results of the observations and the questionnaire provides an overview of
the success of the user interaction with each type of captcha. Results of data analysis
using SPSS One-Way ANOVA shows that the type of captcha accordance with the
level of user comfort is text captcha.