Samenvatting: | Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) have provide major
contributions in the economy of Indonesia. They are main drivers of economic
activities contributing to job creation and sustainable growth of economy. With the
intention of sustaining the acceleration of the development of SMEs, the presence of
local financial institution such as a rural bank is necessary. However, currently, a
rural bank faces many challenges since the competition in the micro market is
extremely tight among rural banks, commercial banks and other financial institution.
A rural bank is required to operate as efficiently and effectively as possible so
that it can compete in the banking industry. It must strengthen its institutional
resilience in order to become a healthy, strong and trustworthy institution. The
strengthening of the structure of rural banks is supported by, among others, capital
aspect. Sufficient capital will affect the scope of the service area of rural banks, and
can help banks to cope more effectively with risk during �normal times� and crises.
Meanwhile, limited capital will cause rural banks to experience difficulties in
recruiting human resources, developing the means of information systems
technology and infrastructure, as well as operating efficiently.
This study is aimed at analysing the minimum paid-up capital for new BPR,
as well as region�s clustering for the establishment of BPR in D.I. Yogyakarta. To do
so, this study uses path analysis in order to explain the pattern of linkages among
paid-up capital, tier � 1 capital, third party fund and credit to debitur. Meanwhile,
cluster analysis method is used to generate region�s clustering for the establishment
of BPR in D.I. Yogyakarta. There are two factors considered to be variables to
cluster the regions, which are: the potency of regions and the level of competition.
For the cluster analysis, the researcher use hierarchical-agglomerative.
There are mainly two results of this research. First, the minimum paid-up
capital can be raised to 1.2 � 2.4 times of the current amount if the target of credit
expansion of rural banks will be increased twice. Therefore, it is proposed that the
minimum paid-up capital for a new rural bank in D.I. Yogyakarta is increased to Rp.
2.4 � Rp. 4.5 billion. In addition, using cluster analysis, it is obtained that the regions
in D.I. Yogyakarta can be divided to two or three clusters. However, since the fewer
number of clusters will facilitate Supervisory Authority in the process of licensing
and supervision of rural banks in the relevant area, it is proposed that there are only
two clusters in D.I. Yogyakarta.