Summary: | Catchment Area Analysis is an important theory to know the probability of
a market absorption before we decide to invest in the shopping center property.
By this analysis, we will be able to know the shopping custom that people do, we
can also calculate the frequency of customer�s visit, and also estimate the potential
shopping space demand. This research objects are 6 shopping malls in Bandung
There are two models that used in this analysis. First, is the model of
Huff�s probability, which is used to estimate the probability of customer�s visit of
each shopping center in order to know the competition among the malls. The
second model is to estimate the shopping malls demand for the space, which is
used to know whether the shopping space is enough or not for the customer so we
know how to invest.
The study result shows that Bandung Supermall has the highest probability
in visiting, with 22,35% visitors of Bandung population. By this result, we also
know that Bandung city still has a lack of shopping space about 414,717m2.