Summary: | Flood is one of the factors inhibiting the development and economic growth in the Sragen
Regency, since agriculture is the leading sector is which has the potential to be disturbed by the
flood. The information about the flood and its impacts specifically related to agriculture are thus
needed to determine the precise policies. The research focuses on 2007-flood mapping,
agricultural production loss assessment, and farmer resilience expressed in their ability to continue
the next cropping after hit by the 2007-flood.
The flood map was built by integrating the local knowledge and the Digital Terrain Model (DTM).
As the result of the integration, the depth of the flood immersing the paddy fields reaches
approximately 3 meters. The production loss of paddy of the research area was counted based on
the vulnerabilities of paddy at three growth stages i.e. vegetative, generative, and graining
phases. Further, the losses influence the farmer ability to continue the cultivation in the next
season, which in this study is defined as farmer resilience. The study results that most of the
farmers in the area (56.3%) are categorized in moderate level.