Summary: | Suryometaram�s point of view has strong relationships with self concept,
as psychological approach toward Javanese people. Suryomentaran states that
rasa (human feeling) is the basic drive for human being, people acts as the
embodiment of rasa. Manusia tanpa ciri (a man without attribute) mentioned as
the culmination of human achievement.
This study aims to investigate self concept of javanese people with foot
disability, and describe their ability to reach out and become manusia tanpa ciri (a
man without attribute). This study also investigate the meaning of happiness
toward javanese people with foot disability, with a set of Suryomentaram�s
analysis of kawruh jiwa and the knowledge of happiness. Furthermore, the
investigation focuses on two main purposes: (1) understanding self-concept of
javanese people with foot disability caused by accident, (2) understanding the
meaning of happiness of javanese people with foot disability caused by accident
from Ki Ageng Suryomentaram�s (KAS) point of view.
This study uses phenomenological approach. Participant were
interviewed has characteristics such as: (a) suffering from foot disability caused
by accident more than five years, (b) a Javanese, (c) not being treated in
rehabilitation yet.
The result showed that javanese people with foot disability is able to
achieve tatag (spartan�s) level and remain at forth level as �a man without
atribute�. Subject able to step out from the individual attributes when interacting
within societies, release from suffering caused by the disability and other
attributes. Furthermore, result showed that happiness essentially moves under
two conditions in which the first happiness cannot be treated separately from the
second one. The first condition of happiness constitutes optimism, pleasure,
success, laughter, and wealth, and the second condition of happiness includes
happiness for the others such as: social interaction (srawung), mutual sharing,
harmony (tentrem), and being a kind man. The meaning of happiness cannot be
treated as a separate experience of misery.